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Die Liste umfasst 277 Spiele mit 235 Kurzvorstellungen und 46 Regeln zur SPIEL 2018 (Stand 23. Oktober 2018)
Rezension – Regellink zum Verlag – Regellink zu Boardgamegeek
Fettdruck: Spielvorstellung in der Vorschau
- Adrenaline: Team Play DLC (CGE)
- Adventure Island (Pegasus)
- Agricola Moorbauern (Lookout Spiele)
- Alone (Horrible Games)
- Altiplano – der Reisende (dlp Games)
- Anno Domini (Abacusspiele)
- Architectura (Hobby World|Game Brewer)
- Arraial (MEBO)
- A Tale of Pirates (Cranio Creations|Asmodee)
- A Tales of the Northlands (A-Muse-Ment)
- Athens (Baccum)
- A Thief’s Fortune (Artipia Games)
- Atlandice (Ludonaute)
- AuZtralien (Schwerkraft)
- AZUL: Stained Glass of Sintra (Next Move Games)
- Bad Bones (Sit down!)
- Baïam (Blue Orange)
- Bali: Tempel of Shiva (White Goblin Games)
- Barrage (Cranio Creations)
- Bastille (Queen Games)
- Belaratti (Mogel Verlag)
- Biber Clan (Amigo)
- Bingolino (Schmidt Spiele)
- Black Angel (Pearl Games|Asmodee) erscheint erst 2019
- Black Skull Island (Strawberry)
- Blackout: Hongkong (eggertspiele)
- Blöde Kuh (Drei Hasen in der Abendsonne)
- Blue Lagoon (Blue Orange)
- Brettspiel Adventskalender (Frosted Games)
- Brikks (Schmidt Spiele)
- Bumúntú (Wiz Kids)
- Captains of the Gulf (Spielworxx)
- Carcassonne – Safari (Hans im Glück)
- Carpe Diem (alea)
- Carson City – the Card Game (Quined Games)
- Castle Rampage (Pegasus)
- CATAN – Der Aufstieg der INKA (Kosmos)
- Caverna: Höhle vs. Höhle II: Eisenzeit (Lookout)
- Caverna: Vergessene Völker (Lookout)
- Century: Fernöstliche Wunder (Plan B Games)
- Ceylon (Ludonova)
- City of Rome (Abacusspiele)
- Champions of Midgad (Corax)
- Chartered: The Golden Age (Jolly Dutch)
- Chocolate Factory (Alley Cat Games)
- Chronicles of Crime (Corax)
- Claim 2 (White Goblin Games|Game Factory)
- Claim Kingdoms (White Goblin Games)
- Codenames XXL (Asmodee|CGE)
- Codenames Pictures XXL (Asmodee|CGE)
- Coimbra (eggertspiele)
- Colt Express Bandits (Ludonaute)
- Comanauts (Plaid Hat Games)
- Cool Runnings (Ravensburger)
- Concept Kids (Repos)
- Concerto (Skellig Games)
- Concordia Venus (PD Verlag)
- Counterfeiters (Quined Games)
- Crown of Emara (Pegasus)
- Cryptid (Osprey Games)
- Cuzco (Super Meeple)
- Deckscape: Das Geheimnis von Eldorado (Abacusspiele)
- Der Unterhändler (Frosted Games)
- Der Vetternkrieg (Frosted Games)
- Detektive (Portal|Pegasus)
- Detective Club (IGAMES)
- Dicium (Geek Attitude Games)
- Die Architekten Westfrankreichs (Garphil|Schwerkraft)
- Die Legende der Irrlichter (HABA)
- Die Legenden von Andor – Die verschollenen Legenden “ Alte Geister“ (Kosmos)
- Die Würfelsiedler (NSKN|Schwerkraft)
- Discover: Zu unentdeckten Landen (FGG|Asmodee)
- Discovery: The Era of Voyage (EmperorS4)
- Dixit 10th Aniversary (Libellud|Asmodee)
- Doodle Rush (Game Factory)
- DOS (Mattel)
- Downforce (IELLO)
- Dragons (Matagot)
- DSP Goodie Box (Frosted Games)
- Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy (Lautapelit)
- Ein Fest für Odin: die Norweger (Feuerland)
- Eiserner Vorhang (Frosted Games)
- Escape Dysturbia: Mörderischer Maskenball (homunculus Verlag) erscheint erst Ende 2018
- Escape Tales: The Awakening (Board & Dice)
- Everdell (Starling Games)
- Exit: Die Geisterbahn des Schreckens (Kosmos) erst 2019
- Exit: Katakomben des Grauens (Kosmos)
- EXIT Kids (Kosmos)
- Ex Libris (Schwerkraft Verlag)
- Expedition Luxor (Queen Games)
- Farben (Edition Spielwiese)
- Fatal (2F)
- Fein sieben (2F)
- Fenix (HUCH!)
- Festo! (Game Brewer)
- Firenze (Quined Games)
- Flamme Rouge: Meteo (Lautepelit)
- Flotsam Fight (OINK)
- Foppen (2F)
- Forbidden Sky (Schmidt Spiele)
- Forum Trajanum (HUCH!)
- Fortune City (Big Fun Games|TBD)
- Franchise (Queen Games)
- Frantic (Game Factory)
- Fuji (Feuerland)
- Futuropia (2F)
- Gizmos (CMON|Asmodee)
- Gloomhaven (Feuerland)
- Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles (Cephalofair Games)
- Götterdämmerung (Amigo)
- Gravity Superstar (Sit down!)
- Great Western Trail: Rails to the North (eggertspiele)
- Gugong (Game Brewer)
- Half Pint Heroes: Happy Hour (Corax Games)
- Heckmeck Deluxe (ZOCH)
- Hexenhaus (Lookout)
- Hochverrat (Frosted Games)
- Hokkaido (Lautapelit)
- Holding On (Asmodee)
- Honga (HABA)
- ICE COOL2 (Amigo)
- Imhotep – Das Duell (Kosmos)
- Impact (Ravensburger)
- Imperial Settlers – Amazones (Portal)
- Isle of Skye – Druiden (Lookout)
- Jump Drive (Pegasus)
- Jungle Race (Cranio Creations)
- Just one (Repos)
- Kakerlakula (Ravensburger)
- Kang (Blue Orange)
- Karate Tomate (Amigo)
- Kero (Hurricane|Asmodee)
- Key Flow (R&D Games|HUCH!)
- Keyforge (FFG|Asmodee)
- Kingdomino: Zeit der Riesen (Pegasus|Blue Orange)
- Kitchen Rush: Piece of Cake (Artipia Games)
- Knapp danaben (Schmidt Spiele)
- Länder der Welt (HABA)
- Let’s Quiz again (moses)
- Lifestyle (Amigo)
- Lift Off (Hans im Glück)
- Lighthouse Run (Amigo)
- Lost Cities – Unter Rivalen (Kosmos)
- Luxor Erweiterung (Queen Games)
[/two_columns_one] [two_columns_one_last]
- Magnastorm (Feuerland)
- Majolica (Blue Magpie Games|TBD)
- Man at Work (Pretzel Games)
- Maki Staki (Blue Orange)
- Manitoba (dlp Games)
- Meeple Circus (Pegasus)
- Meeple Circus: The Wild Animal & Aerial Show (Matagot)
- Mein Schatz (Igel-Spiele)
- Meine ersten Spiele (HABA)
- Mesozooic (Z-MAN)
- Micropolis (Matagot|Pegasus)
- Monsterbande (Drei Hasen in der Abendsonne)
- Montana: Goldrush (White Goblin Games)
- Moneybacks (Oink)
- Mosquitozzz (Sphinx)
- Mountains (HABA)
- Mount Memo (Igel-Spiele)
- Nah und Fern (Red Raven|Schwerkraft)
- Neom (Lookout)
- Nessos (IELLO)
- Newton (Cranio Creations)
- no secrets (moses)
- Nusfjord: Schollendeck (Lookout)
- Nyctophobia (Pandasaurus|Asmodee)
- Once upon a Castle (Blue Orange)
- Orbis (Space Cowboy|Asmodee)
- Outback (HUCH!)
- Pandemic: 10 Jahre Jubiläumsedition (Asmodee|Z-Man)
- Pandemic: Untergang von Rom (Asmodee|Z-Man)
- Pandoria (Irongames)
- Pantone: The Game(Cryptozoic)
- Paper Tales (Frosted Games|Pegasus)
- Patchwork Express (Lookout)
- Pechvögel (ZOCH)
- Pelegrinus (Asynchron)
- PENK! (Cranio Creations)
- Pepper & Carrots (Boardgamecircus)
- Pepper of the Carribean (White Goblin Games)
- Perfect Hotel (White Goblin Games)
- Pictomania: Second Edition (CGE)
- Piepmatz (Lookout)
- Planet (Blue Orange|Asmodee)
- Potion Explotion: 6th Student (Horrible Games)
- Prehistory (A-Games)
- Princess Jing (Matagot)
- Punto (Game Factory)
- Raiatea (Quined Games)
- Raids (IELLO|HUCH!)
- Railroad Ink Blue (Horrible Games)
- Railroad Ink Red (Horrible Games)
- Ramen (Ediciones Primigenio)
- Realm of Sands (EmperorS4)
- Repel Nox (Aporta Games)
- REEF (Next Move Games)
- Reykholt (Frosted Games)
- Riga: Lubeca-Erweiterung (Ostia Spiele)
- Ringo (Steffen Spiele)
- Roll for Adventure (Kosmos)
- Ruchlos: Die Schrecken der Karibik (Board Game Circus)
- Sagrada (Pegasus)
- Santa Maria: American Kingdoms (Aporta Games)
- Scarabya (Blue Orange)
- Schneck-di-Wupp (HABA)
- Schusselige Schurken (moses)
- Scythe: The Rise of Fenris (Feuerland)
- Shadows: Amsterdam (Libellud|Asmodee)
- Showtime! (Pegasus)
- Skylands (Queen Games)
- Snow Time (Lui Meme|Asmodee)
- Solenia (Pearl Games|Asmodee)
- Sonar Family (Matagot)
- Space Escape (Game Factory)
- Speed Cups 6 (Amigo)
- Spirit Island (Pegasus)
- Spring Meadow (Edition Spielwiese)
- Spyfall: Time Travel (Hobby World)
- Stone Age Jubiläum (Hans im Glück)
- Storiez (Amigo)
- Stuffed Fables (Plaid Hat|Asmodee) erscheint erst 2019
- Sunflower Valley (Hobby World)
- Symphony No. 9 (Moideas)
- TAGS (HeidelBÄR Games)
- Taiwan (Good Game Studio|TBD)
- Takla (Steffen Spiele)
- Tales of the Northlands: The Sagas of Noggin the Nog (A-Muse-Ment)
- Talismann: Legendary (Pegasus)
- Teotihuacan: Die Stadt der Götter (NSKN|Schwerkraft)
- Terrafoming Mars: Colonies (Fryx Games)
- Terrafoming Mars: Prelude (Fryx Games)
- Te-Trix (moses)
- The Climbers (Capstone Games)
- The Estates (Capstone Games)
- The Forgotten City (TwoPlus Games|TBD)
- The Lost Expedition: The Fountain of Youth & Other Adventures (Osprey Games)
- The Networks: Executives (Formal Ferret Games)
- The Networks: More Executives (Formal Ferret Games)
- The River (Days of Wonder|Asmodee)
- The Wall (Ravensburger)
- This War of Mine: Tales from the Ruined City (Galakta)
- T.I.M.E Stories: Die Bruderschaft der Küste (Asmodee)
- TomaTomato (Oink)
- Top Secret (Schmidt Spiele)
- To War! (Board Game Circus)
- Trapwords (CGE)
- Trade on the Tigris (TMG)
- Treasure Island (Matagot)
- Trollfjord (Aporta Games|ZOCH)
- Tribes (Kosmos)
- Trick n Trouble (Frosted Games)
- Tudor (Corax Games)
- Tuscany Essential Edition (Feuerland)
- Twin it! (HUCH!)
- Tybor der Baumeister Erweiterung (Öster. Spielemuseum/Lookout)
- Underwater Cities (Delicious Games)
- Unlock IV (Space Cowboys|Asmodee)
- Valparaiso (dlp Games)
- Village Attacks (ADC Blackfire)
- Viroid (Ostia Games)
- Viticulture – Viticulture – Besuch aus dem Rheingau (Feuerland)
- Vollpfosten (ZOCH)
- VOLT (HeidelBÄR Games)
- Walking in Burano (EmperorS4)
- Walls of New York (Cranio Creations)
- Welcome to.. (Blue Cocker Games)
- Wendake: New Allies (Placentia Games)
- Western Legends (Kolossal Games|Matagot)
- Wettlauf nach El Dorado: Helden & Dämonen (Ravensburger)
- Wildlands (Osprey Games)
- Whistle Stop: Rocky Mountains Expansion (Bezier Games)
- Word Slam Family (Kosmos)
- Word Slam Midnight (Kosmos)
- Wunschmaschine 2.0 (Igel-Spiele)
- X-Code (Amigo)
- Yggdrasil (Ludonaute)
- Zug um Zug – New York (Days of Wonder|Asmodee)
- Zwischen zwei Schlössern (Stonemaier Games|Feuerland)
- Zwoggel (Steffen Spiele)
- 13 Minuten (Frosted Games)
- 1918: Death on the Rails (2D6.EE)
- 3×8 (Amigo)
- 7 Wonders Armada (Repos|Asmodee)
- 8 Bit Box (IELLO)
- 13 Indizien (Game Factory)