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Scoutaktion (Fairplay)
NEU! – innerhalb der letzten Woche eingestellt.
- 2F-Spiele (Fischen, Freie Fahrt – USA, Funkenschlag – Bremen/Manhattan, Funkenschlag – Outpost)
- 10 Traders (7 Merry Monsters)
- Abacusspiele (Anno Domini – Eco, Bang! – Dice Explosion, Camargue, Decktective – Findet Sherlock Holmes & Spuren im Sand, Up or Down?)
- AEG (Let’s Go! To Japan, Nocturne, Undergrove)
- Albi (Atoll, Karak II: Imperium, Nutventure, Rail Line, Tea Garden)
- Amigo (3 Chapters, Beutezug, Burger Slam, Combo Up, No Thanks, Unsolved: Landgut des Grauens, Wizard: Das Schwarze Auge)
- Aporta Games (Saltfjord)
- Artipia Games (Firefighters on Duty)
- Asmodee (Altered, Command of Nature, Danger Danger, Duck & Cover, Dune: Krieg um Arrakis, Herzlich Willkommen zum Hieb und Stichfest, Inori, Link City, Monkey Palace, Perspektives blau, Res Arcana Duo, Superstore 3000, Survive the Island, Tesseract, Tree Society)
- Biberstein Spiele (1980 Sixtinische Kapelle, 1998 ISS)
- Board & Dice (Barcelona: Passeig de Gràcia, Minos – Dawn of the Bronze age, Nucleum – Court of Progress, Reef Project, Windmill Valley)
- Board Game Circus (Herbsthain, Hermit, Kintsugi, Würfelmonster)
- Capstone Games (Bus: Complete Edition)
- Catch Up Games (Castle Combo, Faraway Erweiterung (franz.))
- CGE (Die kleinen Alchemisten, SETI)
- Chilifox Games (Spectacular)
- Cranio Creations (Beyond the Horizon, Golden Cup, Mesos)
- Days of Wonder (Heat – Nasser Asphalt, Zug um Zug – Iberia & Südkorea, Zug um Zug – Paris)
- Deep Print Games (Civolution, Intarsia, Roaring 20s, Witness – Dem Chamäleon auf der Spur, Witness – Der Schatz des Othesis, Witness – Der Sigma Club)
- Delicious Games (Resafa)
- Devir (Autumn, Cities, Daitoshi, Rock Hard 1977, Salton Sea, Sand, The Lie)
- dlp games (Atlantis Exodus, Balz, Evenfall – Der Kristallpfad, Orleáns – Jubiläumsbox, Pirates of Maracaibo – Commander)
- Dranda Games (Explorers of Navoria)
- Edition Spielwiese (Context, Floral, Mietze Katze)
- Elznir Games (Babylon, Bruxelles 1893, Castle Builder, Kingsburg 3. Edition, Yokohama)
- Explor8 (AI 100% Human, Robotrick)
- Feuerland Spiele (Astrobienen, Black Forest, Expeditions – Der Gesandte der Verderbnis, Flügelschlag – Fan Pack, Gaia – Die verlorene Flotte, Tauschrausch)
- Frosted Games (Aeon’s End Erweiterungen, Aeon’s End – Ein neues Zeitalter, Andromedas Edge, Das Unbewusste, Endeavor – die Tiefsee, Galileo Galilei, Ratjack, Solstis, Townsfolk Tussle)
- Funtails (Blood on the Clocktower, Obscurians)
- Game Factory (Bloom, Boreal, Deduckto, Happy City, Keine Ehre unter Dieben, Neuland, Verhext)
- Geek Attitude Games (Babylon)
- Giant Roc (Algae INC., Bardwood Grove, London, Sankoré: The Pride of Manda Musa, Zhanguo)
- Hans im Glück (Time Trouble)
- HCM Kinzel (Mandamina, Next Station – Paris)
- Horrible Guild (Flower Fields, Similo, Spotlight)
- HUCH! (ArcheOlogic, Avant Carde, Campus Galli, Clans and Glory, Cyberion, Flowers, Hof-Verrat, MATRX GIPF, Nekojima, Rajas of the Ganges – Cards & Karma, RIP, Tangram City, Umbrella, Urbion)
- Kendi Games (Fifty Fifty, Qwords)
- Korea Boardgames (Amazonia Park, Butterfly Garden, Coffee Rush – Piece Of Cake, Gimbap, Label Legends, Last Penguins, Link it 4, Lore Pets, Stella Quest)
- Kosmos (Adventure Games – Dimension Fünf-Sieben, Australis, Battle Royale, Caesar & Cleopatra, Cascadia – Rolling Hills & Rolling Rivers, Catan Energien, Die Crew Family, Die weiße Burg – Die Teezeremonie, EXIT Family, Faraway, Linx, Medical Mysteries – Miami Flatline & New York Emergency Room, Monkey Fun, The Gang)
- La Boîte de Jeu (Malhya: Lands of Legends, The Architects of Amytis)
- Lookout Spiele (Flowers, Mischwald – Waldrand, Nusfjord – Big Box, Patchwork 10 Jahre, Treos)
- Ludonaute (Arctic, Colt Express: 10th Anniversary Edition)
- Ludonova (Chandigarh, Flatiron, Men-Nefer)
- MM-Spiele (Dust Race, Haunted Lands, Humanity, Motor City, Skizz It)
- moses. (Blackstories, Green Glas Door, Oh no!, Sebastian Fitzek Underground, Sherlock und die Jagd durch London, Tic Tac Town)
- Nerdlab (Agent Avenue)
- Oink Games (Moving Wild, Souvenirs aus Venedig, Tiefseeabenteuer – Turbo)
- Ornament Games (Eternitum)
- Pegasus (Bomb Busters, Dorfromantik: Sakura, Dungeon Designer, Everdell – Complete Collection, Ich habe fertig, Kronologic: Paris 1920, Pixies, Revive: Ruf aus der Tiefe, Skyrockets, Stapelsalat, Story Box, Tower Up, Waffelzeit)
- Perdix Spiele (Medium)
- Piatnik (Calcada, Moving Day, Perfect Words, Poodle Taxi, Upcake)
- Queen Games (Kathmandu, Moonlight Market, Nassau, Nova Roma)
- Ravensburger (Chronicels of Light, Disney Lorcana: Der Einstieg & Himmelsleuchten, Disney Villainous – Jetzt gibt’s Saures, Last One Laughing – Mini Edition, Horrified World of Monsters, Oh my Pigeons!, Werwölfe Kids)
- Rebel (Dungeon Legends, Klink, Meadow Abenteuerbuch)
- REPOS (Der Herr der Ringe – Duell um Mittelerde, Fairy Ring)
- Schmidt Spiele (Agent Dog, Fabelwald, Fast Blast, Forbidden Jungle, Ligretto – Fun Run, Skull Queen, Topp die Torte)
- Scorpion Masque (Dead Cells – The Rouge-Lite Board Game, Festival, Sky Team: Turbulence)
- Skellig Games (Anachrony, Arborea, Druckfrisch, Gemüsewürfel, Loot, Los zum Floß, Pampero)
- Sorry we are French (365 Adventures: The Dungeon, In the footsteps of Marie Curie, Shackleton Base: A Journey to the Moon)
- SPIEL DAS! (Monsters on the Moon, Nebelwind, Raising Robots)
- Spielefaible (Bier Pioniere – Bier Boom, Cube Express)
- Strohmann Games (Aurum, Chandigarh, Fliptown, Inferno, Infiltrators, Slide)
- The Game Builders (Kittin, Stephens, Suna Valo)
- TOPP (Der große Preis von Pandama, Krakel Orakel, Pernguin Airlines, Swopp!, Wildwasser: Der große Flusslauf)
- wonderbow (12 Chip Trick, Kelp, Nebula, Rebel Princess)
- Zoch (Ananda, Beasty Bar – Down Under, Trödler aus den Highlands)